Wednesday 23 April 2014


Thuparama was the first stupa built in Srilanka after the introduction of Buddhism. Originally the stupa was of the shape of a heap of paddy (Dhanyakara). But at present it is bubble shaped. The name Thuparama comes from stupa and aramaya which means residential complex for monks. It is believed that there was a vata da ge (Circular relics chamber) in Thuparama. Because several stone pillars of it can be seen even in today. The original stupa was destroyed from time to time, as a result of that what we seen in presently is a re- constructed stupa. The re- construction was done in 1862 AD during the King Agbo ii time. The stupa which is only around 63ft in height is smaller in size. Thuparama enshrined the sacred south collar- bone of lord Buddha. 

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