Wednesday 23 April 2014


Ruwanweliseya is a stupa which was built by King Dutugamunu in the third century BC. The stupa is one of the world's tallest monuments, which is 338ft high. This is also the third highest stupa in Srilanka. It is said that vast amount of Buddha relics are deposited in the "Dagaba"(Relic Chamber). Ruwanweliseya is also known as Swarnamali Chaitya , Ratnamali Dagaba and Mahathupa. To be a complete stupa there should be features like Wall, Sand pavement , Elephant wall, Frontispieces, Dome, Square enclosure, Dewata kotuwa, Pinnacle rings and the Pinnacle Gem. All of those features can be found in Ruwanweliseya.
It is quite brilliant that all round the stupa the top of the pinnacle is not visible when look up from the foot of the stupa, but when you take one step backwards the top of the pinnacle can be seen. That means the symmetrical perfection had been maintained by the people who built this back in those days.
In the history it is said that King Dutugamunu couldn't see the completion of the stupa. He was only fortunate enough to see the stupa covered with white cloth so that it appeared as complete. King Saddhatissa, the younger brother of King Dutugamunu completed the rest of the work. Buddhists in Srilanka and all over the world believes that the stupa is blessed.       

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