Friday 25 April 2014


Mirisavatiya was built by King Dutugamunu in the second century B.C. This also belongs to Mahavihara. Mirisavatiya stands near the Thisa wewa. There are two famous stories behind the the construction of this stupa. One is that after defeating King Elara in a war by King Dutugamunu, He placed the Buddha relics in the sceptre. Then he went to Thisa wewa to take a bath. When the King returned after bathing it was found that the sceptre could not be moved out of its position. So Mirisavatiya was built embodying the sceptre. In another story it is said that King Dutugamunu took a chilly curry without offering it to the monks in monastery. So in order to punish himself he built the stupa. What we are seen today is a renovated stupa. But Mirisavatiya stupa has all the features of a stupa like Vahalkada (Frontispieces), the relics chamber, Dewata kotuwa, Pinnacles and Pinnacle gem.   

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