Saturday 26 April 2014

Abhayagiri Vihara Complex

The Abhayagiri Vihara monastery was the built by the King Vatta Gamini Abhaya (Valagamba) in the first century. In Abhayagiri monastery we can see few sites like Abhayagiri Dagoba, Twin Pond, Key shaped pond, Rathna Prasada, Biso Maligaya Moonstone, Stone bridge, Samadhi Buddha Statue etc.

Abhayagiri Stupa

Abhayagiri stupa was built by King Valagamba in the first century B.C. This stupa is also has a story behind it. In history it says that the stupa was built on the place where there stood earlier the monastery of Giri, who was a Nigantha. At the chola invasion the king had to flee from his palace, this saw by giri and he had rediculed the king by saying "the great sinhala giant is fleeing". Later when king regained his kindom he erected the Abhayagiri Dagoba on Giri's premises. In the fifth century the Chinese bhikkhu who lived in Anuradhapura said that the stupa is 400ft in height. At present its height is 245 ft. The dagoba has all parts of the features which stupa should have.

Kuttam Pokuna ( Twin Pond )

Kuttam Pokuna probably belongs to the 7-9 th century A.D.The pond itself represent the masterpiece of sinhala architecture. It is believed that pond was constructed for the Bhikkhus of Abhaya Vihara for their bathing purpose. The two ponds are different in lengths and they also belong to different eras. One pond is smaller and other one is bigger.The carvings also differ from one another. Water to the pools were transferred through underground ducts.

Rathna Prasada (Jewel Palace)

Rathna Prasada was the chapter house (Uposatha Ghara) of  the Abhayagiri Monastery. This resembles to the Brazen Palace of Mahavihara. It is believed that this chapter house was a seven storeyed mansion. At present there are left only the stone pillars of ground floor. 


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