Saturday 26 April 2014

Abhayagiri Vihara Complex

The Abhayagiri Vihara monastery was the built by the King Vatta Gamini Abhaya (Valagamba) in the first century. In Abhayagiri monastery we can see few sites like Abhayagiri Dagoba, Twin Pond, Key shaped pond, Rathna Prasada, Biso Maligaya Moonstone, Stone bridge, Samadhi Buddha Statue etc.

Abhayagiri Stupa

Abhayagiri stupa was built by King Valagamba in the first century B.C. This stupa is also has a story behind it. In history it says that the stupa was built on the place where there stood earlier the monastery of Giri, who was a Nigantha. At the chola invasion the king had to flee from his palace, this saw by giri and he had rediculed the king by saying "the great sinhala giant is fleeing". Later when king regained his kindom he erected the Abhayagiri Dagoba on Giri's premises. In the fifth century the Chinese bhikkhu who lived in Anuradhapura said that the stupa is 400ft in height. At present its height is 245 ft. The dagoba has all parts of the features which stupa should have.

Kuttam Pokuna ( Twin Pond )

Kuttam Pokuna probably belongs to the 7-9 th century A.D.The pond itself represent the masterpiece of sinhala architecture. It is believed that pond was constructed for the Bhikkhus of Abhaya Vihara for their bathing purpose. The two ponds are different in lengths and they also belong to different eras. One pond is smaller and other one is bigger.The carvings also differ from one another. Water to the pools were transferred through underground ducts.

Rathna Prasada (Jewel Palace)

Rathna Prasada was the chapter house (Uposatha Ghara) of  the Abhayagiri Monastery. This resembles to the Brazen Palace of Mahavihara. It is believed that this chapter house was a seven storeyed mansion. At present there are left only the stone pillars of ground floor. 


Friday 25 April 2014

Jetawanaramaya Complex

The Jetawanaramaya temple complex is spread over an area of nearly 200 acres. This area has been well established as a place of worship for buddhists. This was founded by King Mahasen in the third century. There are few sites that can be seen in this temple complex. Most of the sites have been excavated and reconstructed for people to see. Some of the main sites are Jetawana dagoba, Sannipatha sala (Assembly hall), Uposatha ghara (Chapter house), Gedi ge (Brick house) etc.

Jetawana Dagoba

Jetawana dagoba was built by King Mahasen in third century. A part of a sash or belt tied by the Buddha is believed to be the relic that is enshrined here. Jetawana stupa is the largest extant monument in brick in the world. Originally the stupa is supposed to have been of 400 ft in height. But now due to the damaged pinnacle rings the height is about 232ft. The excavations shows that the stupa had been erected on a nature made stone pavement which was underground. Jetawana has the all the features of a stupa. There is an outer wall encircles the stupa. Then there are four entrance in four directions followed with a the sand pavement (Wali maluwa). Elephant wall comes next. The stupa has the square enclosure and then the pinnacle rings. The dagoba covers an area of 8 acres. 

Uposatha Ghara

Jetawana Uposatha Ghara (Chapter house) is similar in structure to Lovamahapaya (brazen palace), But this is smaller in size. However the stone columns indicate that this had been a storeyed building.

Jetawana Gedi Ge ( Brick House)

This is situated near the Jetawana dagoba. Two stone pillars each around 27 ft tall can be found on the either side of the door. One pillar is made by fitting together four pillars.The other one is a combination of two pillars. The amazing fact is that they haven't use any plaster to combine those. Inside of this is a lotus seat which believed to had a standing statue of Buddha. In the lotus seat there are compartmentalized deposit vessels can be seen. Inside those stone chambers valuables items would have been deposited.

Sannipata Sala (Assembly Hall)

This buildings boundary is made of granite. The surface of the stone is also leveled and smoothed. In  the center there is a stone platform. Three are stone pillars which suggest that there might have been a roof.  



Mirisavatiya was built by King Dutugamunu in the second century B.C. This also belongs to Mahavihara. Mirisavatiya stands near the Thisa wewa. There are two famous stories behind the the construction of this stupa. One is that after defeating King Elara in a war by King Dutugamunu, He placed the Buddha relics in the sceptre. Then he went to Thisa wewa to take a bath. When the King returned after bathing it was found that the sceptre could not be moved out of its position. So Mirisavatiya was built embodying the sceptre. In another story it is said that King Dutugamunu took a chilly curry without offering it to the monks in monastery. So in order to punish himself he built the stupa. What we are seen today is a renovated stupa. But Mirisavatiya stupa has all the features of a stupa like Vahalkada (Frontispieces), the relics chamber, Dewata kotuwa, Pinnacles and Pinnacle gem.   


Lankaramaya was built by King Vattagamini Abhaya (Valagamba) in the first century B.C. The stupa was renovated later, hence nothing is known about the shape of the original stupa.At present it is bubble shaped. Lankaramaya is a part of the Abayagiri complex of monasteries. The ruins of stone pillars round the stupa suggest that this dagoba was sheltered by a Cetiyaghar ( Stupa house) or a Vata da ge. The dagoba stand on a circular platform. The four Vahalkadas ( Frontispiece) are not to be seen now. There was a stone tube near the eastern flight of steps, which was used as a way of washing the feet before entering the stupa yard. The diameter of the stupa is around 45 feet (14 m). Lankaramaya was also known as Manisomaramaya.

Eth Pokuna

Eth pokuna ( Elephant Pond) is a pond situated near Lankaramaya. It is believed that this pond has been used by the monks in Abayagiri Buddhist Monastery. The pond can hold the capacity of 75,000 cubic meters of water. The water to this pond has been supplied from the Periyamkulama tank through a network of underground canals.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Lovamahapaya ( Brazen Mansion)

Lovamahapaya is situated very close to Sri Mahabodhi. This is known as brazen palace because the roof was covered with bronze tiles. This is the chapter house (Uposathaghara) of the Mahavihara Section. In Lovamahapaya there are 1600 stone pillars. There are 40 rows with each row consists of 40 stone pillars. This was built by the King Dutugamunu in the second century B.C. The huge stone pillars suggest that this had been a mansion of several storeys, probably nine storeys. It is believed that there were probably at least 100 resident monks with 100 on each floor. Even in today Mahavihara Bhikkhus use the center portion as their chapter house.


Thuparama was the first stupa built in Srilanka after the introduction of Buddhism. Originally the stupa was of the shape of a heap of paddy (Dhanyakara). But at present it is bubble shaped. The name Thuparama comes from stupa and aramaya which means residential complex for monks. It is believed that there was a vata da ge (Circular relics chamber) in Thuparama. Because several stone pillars of it can be seen even in today. The original stupa was destroyed from time to time, as a result of that what we seen in presently is a re- constructed stupa. The re- construction was done in 1862 AD during the King Agbo ii time. The stupa which is only around 63ft in height is smaller in size. Thuparama enshrined the sacred south collar- bone of lord Buddha. 


Ruwanweliseya is a stupa which was built by King Dutugamunu in the third century BC. The stupa is one of the world's tallest monuments, which is 338ft high. This is also the third highest stupa in Srilanka. It is said that vast amount of Buddha relics are deposited in the "Dagaba"(Relic Chamber). Ruwanweliseya is also known as Swarnamali Chaitya , Ratnamali Dagaba and Mahathupa. To be a complete stupa there should be features like Wall, Sand pavement , Elephant wall, Frontispieces, Dome, Square enclosure, Dewata kotuwa, Pinnacle rings and the Pinnacle Gem. All of those features can be found in Ruwanweliseya.
It is quite brilliant that all round the stupa the top of the pinnacle is not visible when look up from the foot of the stupa, but when you take one step backwards the top of the pinnacle can be seen. That means the symmetrical perfection had been maintained by the people who built this back in those days.
In the history it is said that King Dutugamunu couldn't see the completion of the stupa. He was only fortunate enough to see the stupa covered with white cloth so that it appeared as complete. King Saddhatissa, the younger brother of King Dutugamunu completed the rest of the work. Buddhists in Srilanka and all over the world believes that the stupa is blessed.